MarinTrust launches new verification tool for fishmeal plants
A new verification tool from MarinTrust, the global marine ingredient standard for responsible supply (formerly IFFO RS), aims to help ensure value chain traceability via enhancing the recognition between Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and MarinTrust standards.
The tool offers clarity regarding the “requirements for all fishmeal plants claiming to be receiving MSC certified materials with the intention of using this for MarinTrust recognition,” the organization said in a press release.
As of 1 January, all new applicants claiming to be receiving MSC-certified fish for MarinTrust recognition will utilize the tool. Meanwhile, for current MarinTrust certificate holders who allege receiving MSC-certified materials, a transition period will last from 1 January until 30 June, 2021.
For MarinTrust, the verification tool provides assurances that fish intended for use in a plant certified against its standard originates from an MSC Unit of Certification.
Regarding whole fish applications, verification of MSC status will occur at the fishery and at the fishmeal plant levels, according to MarinTrust.
“Verification will be done first by the fishery assessor, in charge of conducting the fishery assessment against the MarinTrust standard, and then by the site auditor conducting the audit in the fishmeal plant against the MarinTrust Standard,” MarinTrust said. “Should the MSC-certified fish lose its MSC certification, then that fish shall undergo a full MarinTrust assessment in order for it to be considered as compliant material.”
Byproducts, which are responsible for one-third of fishmeal produced, are also impacted by the tool.
“For byproducts claiming to be MSC-certified, these should be covered by an MSC Chain of Custody certificate and the verification will occur only at the fishmeal plant. Byproducts, which are not covered by an MSC Chain of Custody certification, shall undergo MarinTrust’s full byproduct assessment,” MarinTrust said.
The verifier ultimately offers an added level of traceability for the marine ingredients sector, MarinTrust CEO Francisco Aldon said.
“These additional layers of assurance ensure better traceability of marine ingredients throughout a very complex value chain,” Aldon said. “MarinTrust already works in good collaboration with other seafood standards, but robust procedures need to be put in place to take each standard’s different ways of operating into consideration.”