How Industry-led Platforms can Deliver Change
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Presenters: Sam Grimley, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership; Richard Stavis, Global Squid Supply Chain Roundtable; Mary Smith, SeaPact; Betsy Ward, USA Rice Federation
Industry-led collaborations addressing seafood sustainability have grown and evolved in recent years. These pre-competitive efforts are necessary to truly address and mitigate sustainability issues that have been identified through broad stakeholder consensus. In this session, industry leaders from both seafood and non-seafood sectors, discuss what it takes for these efforts to be impactful, the ongoing challenges they face, and what is needed for future success.
This presentation was a part of the Seafood2030 Virtual Sustainability Forum | Designing the Future of Sustainable Seafood, which took place from 19-20 May 2021. For more information on Seafood2030 and/or to access additional program content, visit