Combatting IUU Fishing: The Case of High Seas Squid
Price: $45
Free for Premium Members
Moderator: Braddock Spear, SFP
Speakers: Sam Grimley, Sea Pact
Sarah Hussey, SeaFarms LTD
To combat each of the components of IUU fishing (illegal, unreported, and unregulated), different actions and multiple players are required. Governments need adopt laws, adhere to international agreements, set regulations, and enforce. Companies trading in seafood need to maintain ethical standards, support government actions to combat IUU, conduct due diligence of sources and suppliers, and impose consequences in response to illegal or unreported fishing activity. The high seas squid fisheries in the waters off the coast of South America presents a case study where governments and seafood companies are taking steps to stop IUU fishing. Our panel will provide three different industry perspectives on these issues in the fisheries and actions that have been, are being, and can be taken.