Clearly Clean Products introduces eco-friendly seafood packaging alternative

Published on
August 9, 2023
Rolled Edge tray

Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.-based Clearly Clean Products has launched its new, fully recyclable Rolled Edge food tray for grocery retailers and wholesalers, marketing the product as a sustainable, cost-effective alternative to traditional packaging materials.

The trays, made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) – the same material used to make recyclable water bottles – are ideal for poultry, meat, produce, seafood, and deli products, the company stated.

The tray features a patented rolled edge, mitigating tears in the overwrap film and providing a unique hoop strength that will maintain the tray's structural integrity, even though it is a thinner gauge,” Clearly Clean said in a release.

That thinner gauge can save clients’ money, according to Clearly Clean, requiring minimal shipping and allowing for packaging in smaller quantities. Clearly Clean said the trays allow companies to reduce product loss, maximize shelf appeal, and entice eco-conscious shoppers, among other benefits.

The trays also come in 21 sizes, have optional pads depending on a buyer’s preferences, and undergo packaging at a store or distribution center. They are easier to use compared to the large foam-bundled food trays which grocers typically receive and which several states have banned or are actively considering banning due to their lack of sustainability.

“We have seen strong interest in our grocery solution with multiple clients already on board,” Clearly Clean CEO Jimmy Herring said in a release. “Historically, we have primarily sold to food processors, but as consumer pressure increases and government bans and corporate sustainability goals begin to take effect, retailers and wholesalers are increasingly looking for more eco-friendly options.”

The company did not disclose a release date for the trays in grocery stores, but it anticipates a launch in the near future.

Photo courtesy of Clearly Clean Products 

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